Dani & the hot heads

100 degrees+!!!!!!!
I thought last July 4th's gig was hot(95). Autozone park at 4:30 in the afternoon was killer.
Click on pic and you'll see the towels & the effects of it all. The mandolin wouldn't stay in tune so we skipped those tunes til after the game. Makes you want to invest in large umbrellas.
Still a cool gig though. No pun intended.
I've posted a couple of pics from Saturday's gig. It's listed in the photo album under "Memphis Redbirds".
We've got a new fan. Pay attention, the "Artist Formerly Known As Stick Boy" showed up.
AFKASB is on an adventure and will be posting pics soon.
Too much heat, huh. See ya soon.
WoW!! Looks like you guys were about to catch a fire in all that heat! I was actually giggn'at the Gibson Gtr Factory at Chad's wedding.. (Dempsey's guitarist)I wanted to go check you guys out but the playing times conflicted... Hope you and everyone is doing good and I look forward to the release of Memphis meets the Beatles Vol II.
I enjoy the site.. keep up the blogn'' Be sure to Check out:
Jeremy Smith
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