Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Holidays

Ok, so I say to a friend of mine, "I'm gonna stop at the Hallmark store and pick up a copy of Michael McDonald's Christmas CD". I get there and cheap out on the whole idea 'cause you gotta buy 3 cards (my darlin' buys all the Christmas cards, which had been done and sent already) before you get the album for 8 bucks. So check this out, it went gold in 2 weeks. Now I want one even more. Someone's gotta bring one in the Shanti Thursday night.

Made plans for New Years eve? You can find us downtown on the main stage on Beale from 10:20 to 11:20. Not getting out? Tune in to channel 5, they're going to be catching a song or two while we're on.

Happy New Year!

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